Acupuncture Sports Medicine
Raphael Paul Fratkin, L.Ac., MSAc treats acute and chronic injuries by combining traditional acupuncture with a modern understanding of anatomy and physiology. Techniques used to rehabilitate injured and inflamed tissue include: cupping, trigger & motor point needling (dry needling), electro-acupuncture, gua sha, external topical herbal plasters and soaks, and tuina medical massage.
These techniques help facilitate healing at the site of injury by increasing blood flow, decreasing inflammation, and repairing damaged tissue facilitating regrowth with strength and vitality. Acupuncture is proven to help change the neural pathways of pain that begin in the brain and travel through the nervous system, enabling chronic and acute injuries to heal at the deepest level.
Raphael has a Performance Enhancement Treatment Series designed to help athletes perform at their best week-in, week-out to avoid injury and improve performance. A combination of the techniques above with a proper assessment of fascial tension lines throughout the body; Raphael uses myofascial techniques, auriculotherapy, constitutional and nutritional support. Through the Performance Enhancement Treatment Series we can help strengthen or loosen tendons, ligaments and muscles, improve lung and heart function for oxygen enhancement to improve speed and endurance, and help build essential internal resources to give athletes the ability to perform at the highest level.
Raphael completed The Acupuncture Sports Medicine Apprenticeship Program with Whitfield Reaves OMD, L.Ac in Oakland, CA and received a certificate of completion in October 2017 on Advanced Training in the Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment of Sports Injuries and Pain. Whitfield Reaves was among the first acupuncturists in North America to specialize in sports acupuncture using anatomically-based assessment with East Asian Medicine treatment protocols.
Conditions we treat include common injuries such as sprains, strains, pulled & torn muscles, ligament & cartilage tears, stiff/achy muscles & joints, pre-performance and post-recovery for competitive athletes.
Other conditions include:
Achilles Tendonitis
Acromioclavicular (AC) Joint Dysfunction
Acute and Chronic Sprain/Strain
Athletic Enhancement
Bicepital Tendonitis/Tendonosis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Calf Pain/Spasm
Cervical Radiculopathy
Compartment Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease
De Quervain’s Syndrome
Facet Joint Syndrome
First MTP / MCP Joint Arthritis/Sprain
Major Fractures, Hairline and Stress Fracture Rehabilitation
Frozen Shoulder
Glute Medius / Minimus Dysfunction (Hip Imbalance)
Hamstring Strain
Headaches - Tension/Stress, Cluster, Sinus, Rebound, Migraine
Herniated Discs
Hip, knee, and shoulder arthritis
IT Band Syndrome/Tightness
Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis elbow)
Levator Scapulae Syndrome
Low Back Pain / Instability
Lumbar Radiculopathy (Sciatica)
Lumbar Disc Syndrome
MCL / LCL Sprain
Medial Epicondylitis (Golfer’s elbow)
Medial / Lateral Meniscus Tear
Metatarsal Stress Fracture
Morton’s Neuroma
Occipital Neuralgia (Arnold’s Neuralgia)
Patellofemoral Joint Syndrome
Patellar Tendonitis
Peripheral Neuropathy
Peroneal and Posterior Tibialis tendonitis
Piriformis Syndrome
Plantar Fasciitis/Fibromatosis
Post Laminectomy Syndrome
Postural Imbalance
Quadratus Lumborum Syndrome
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD)
Rib Pain
Rotator Cuff Injury (Supraspinatous, Infraspinatous, Subscapularis, Teres Major/Minor)
Sacroiliitis/ SI Joint Pain
Sever’s Disease (Calcaneal Apophysitis)
Surgery Rehabilitation
Functional Scoliosis
Shin Splints (Anterior or Posterior Compartment Syndrome)
Shingles and Post-Herpetic Neuralgia
Shoulder Impingement/Frozen Shoulder
SI Joint Dysfunction
Spinal Stenosis, Spondylosis
Sprained Ligament(s)
Strained Muscle(s)
Sterno-Clavicular Joint Sprain
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Pain
Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS)
Thoracic Vertebral Pain
Tibial Stress Syndrome
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprain